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Tuesday 15 September 2020





Do you sweat profusely while doing physical work at a normal temperature? Do you feel restlessness when exposed to the sun? Do you love the cold weather and hate the hot one? If the answer to the above questions is yes, then here is the answer.


According to the yogic text, the pranic body has three major channels for the optimization of prana. Pingala, the positive energy, is hot and active and refers to the sun. Generally, it is reflected in the right nostril breathing pattern. second is Ida, the negative energy, is cold and stagnant and refers to the moon. It is reflected in the left nostril breathing pattern.

The third one is SUSUMNA, the balancing channel which judiciously reacts to the interaction between ida and pingla. The resultant behavior of SUSUMNA  ultimately reflect in either health or ill health of the human physiology.


One such balancing activity of these three major nadies is heat balancing. According to Ayurveda heat is an excess of pitta. According to yoga therapy, pitta is due to imbalances between ida and pingla nadies which are reflected in the nostril breathings. Breathing in the right nostril is hot, breathing in the left is cold, and breathing in both is balancing. Here the objective is, one has to do such activities on a regular basis so that both nostrils open for breathings with equal flow both in density and temperature.


Let us be practical. We need to reduce sweating with the help of our breathings. Here is the breathing technique we can adopt in our daily yoga schedule.



Take your pulse. Do some breathing exercises as shown in YOGA BREATHING video with slow steps. This will take a maximum of ten minutes. Take care, not to over exhaust. The pulse should not exceed 150 percent of the resting pulse. After ten minutes check the nostrils breathings. In nine out of ten cases both the nostrils will be active. If you find your own is still blocked, then go for NOSTRIL OPENING YOGA BREATHINGS. Refer to my youtube video and follow. This will certainly solve the purpose. The idea is to open the blocked or passive nostrils on daily basis.



After the nostrils are opened, just sit down and relax. Here we have to do one breathing drill involving nostril inhalation and mouth exhalation.  While chanting omm kar, we do it in three sections during exhalation; AA ka with open mouth, UU kar with half-closed mouth like a beak  and MM kar in a closed mouth. In order to reduce heat, we need to expel heat through our exhaled air. Here AA kar is the right syllable of OMM kar which will throw out heat through mouth exhalation. Take a deep inhalation and open the mouth and exhale. Exhale in half the time you inhale. Do it for ten minutes twice daily, you will find the result in three weeks.



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