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Thursday 29 October 2020


 For a common man, it is not possible to do sirsasan for energy diversion to the head region. The brain needs nearly twenty percent of the total oxygen demand for the body.. lack of it leads to several complications relating to the brain region starting from a simple headache to complicated cases of convulsion, tremor, unconsciousness, vertigo, etc. yoga has some beautiful head down postures by which blood flows through the carotid arteries which saturate the skeletal and facilal organs with blood and oxygen.

the fourteen-minute package consists of three postures namely tiger breath, sasankasan chants and inverted head roll. Tiger breath relaxes muscular tension of the spine and the neck, sasankasan chants enhance blood flow to the brain region, and inverted head roll opens up the pathway from the heart to the head. Added to this, eye yoga has been added for strengthening the eye muscles and rectifying the refractor error of the eyes. In total, the package has been thoughtfully devised to improve the health of the brain and the eyes.

Refer to my youtube video under the above title for practice details.

Sunday 4 October 2020


 Air gets moistened and purified through nasal cavities and enters into the lungs through the larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, and alveoli. here an exchange of gas takes place between lungs and heart and oxygenated blood circulates throughout the length and breadth of the body.

the respiratory system mostly suspected of an allergy that results in many itises like rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsilitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. major symptoms include inflammation of the breathing track, soar throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and asthma. yoga therapy aims at 1. cleaning and moistening the respiratory track by jal neti, catheter neti, and steam inhalation. 2. Strengthening the key breathing muscles like diaphragm, intercostal and clavicular muscles. 3. Managing the acid peptic diseases by applying stomach cleansing and intestine cleansing and yogic diet. 4. Yoga breathings to manage bronchospasm, opening blocked nostrils, minimizing the allergic reactions, and easy clearance of cough. 5. stress management by prescribing a holistic approach of yoga in daily life. The above prescriptions are beneficial for patients with chronic conditions and managing it as a part of the lifestyle. The patients with acute symptoms need to consult doctors without delay for emergency management.

For point no four above refer to my youtube video under the title " YOGA BREATHINGS FOR RESPIRATORY DISEASES".


  Yoga is never denied for patients even they are bedridden unless they are in acute conditions or over-aged with multiple comorbidities. A...

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