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Thursday 27 August 2020



 Dear Madam/Sir,

Thank you very much for your interest in PTRAYAAS YOGA.

PRAYAAS YOGA is conducting six days a week classes for

.. Prevention, recovery, and management of specific diseases (LEVEL 1)

Diseases covered :

 Heel pain, knee pain, back pain, neck, shoulder & elbow pain, hypothyroid, type II diabetes, acid peptic diseases like hyperacidity, gas, constipation & IBS, cold, Nasal allergy & asthma, concentration & eyesight improvement, high bp,  ischaemic heart diseases, irregular monthly cycle, menstrual cramp & easy childbirth, paralysis, and stress-related diseases.

Level 1 classes are conducted at 6am for 75 minutes for 3 days In a week.


These classes are specially devised to prepare the patient's body and mind for a higher level of activities where there is the least possibility for relapse of the disease.

LEVEL 2 classes are conducted twice a week for patients who have progressed in recovery and able to face the challenges of level 2 endurance and flexibility.

Classes are conducted at 6 am for 75 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday.

.. LEVEL 3 is for those who are having a standard fitness level and aims at

1. Weight reduction in calories wise.

2. Reduction of ab circumference inch wise.

3. Improving own strength, stamina, and suppleness.

4. Cure and management of type II diabetes and hypo thyroid.

LEVEL 3 classes are held five days a week at 7.15am on weekdays with each session extending from 75 to 90 minutes. 

Saturday classes are reserved for beginners' workshop.  Beginners will learn about various techniques to adapt themselves to the class structure of Prayaas Yoga.

Seats are limited and in conformity with the rules of social distancing.

There is no provision for demo classes due to COVID restrictions.


One time registration is Rs. 2000 which includes a large size yoga mat (30"x72"), an eco-friendly bag, a long size towel (36"x72"), and yoga books. Regn. without yoga mat is Rs. 1000. After successful completion of three months' regular practice, one is entitled to a T-shirt, yoga straps and other yoga aids for advanced level practice.


The monthly subscription is prepaid and having 30day validity. 

New registered members can join the therapeutic sessions/fitness sessions on the same day. They will be given few learning sessions about postures, pranayam & meditation on Saturdays to equip themselves for a closed eye practice.

The patients with cervical spondylosis, back pain, knee pain, and those with acute conditions will undergo few yoga and acupressure healing sessions before they join the regular classes. The healing sessions are free for registered participants. 


The minimum period​ of Practice is three months for acute patients and students, six months for chronic patients, one year for Teachers' training, and life long for genuine yoga lovers.

You are welcome.




Director and head of research, treatment, and training.





prayaas yoga


Friday 14 August 2020






Dear Sir/Madam,

It's time to roll out your yoga mat and discover the combination of physical, mental, and spiritual rituals that for thousands of years have hooked yoga practitioners around the globe. The beauty of yoga is that you need not have to be a Yogi or Yogin in order to reap the benefits of yoga. Whether you are young or old, fit or ailing, over Weight or slim, yoga has the power to restore and promote physical and mental fitness. Yoga is for everyone and therefore never be intimidated by complicated postures, over strict discipline, and yoga studios.

It is simple to perform, sure to get the result, and scientifically established. Please read the following guidelines for a flawless beginning.


1. Clean your body internally and externally. Bath before yoga is not mandatory, but it makes your body vibrant and more receptive.


2. Wear loose cotton clothing to feel comfortable during practice. Avoid excessive jewelry and heavy makeup.


3. Use of scented oil, perfumes & body deodorants to be avoided as it disturbs the breathing effects.


4. Never compare and compete with others during practice. Start where you are. Always try for a closed eye practice.


5. Avoid painful yoga. Stop at pain point. Going hard is not going to bring faster results. Respect your body and practice gently with a smile.


6. Yoga is to be practiced in an empty stomach, empty intestine, and empty bladder. Drink your last glass at least one hour before you step into a yoga mat.


7. If you are hyper acidic, little snacks/fruits before & after yoga is mandatory.


8. Sleep first. Yoga next. Sleep at least six to seven hours. Early to bed and early to rise is the thumb rule.


9. Classes are classified into three sections: LEVEL 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 is the therapeutic section that deals with recovery and mgmt. of psychosomatic ailments. Level 2 is the protection and prevention section and Level 3 is designed for fit and healthy. After the consultation, you will be advised in the right direction to attend the classes where you fit in.


10. Be regular in practice.  You will get results, no doubt. You have to devote 30 minutes extra in the evening to solve your overweight issues and chronic ailments if any. Contact the undersigned for a special evening yoga package.


11. Keeping your cell phone in silent mode is mandatory during yoga hours.


12. Do inform us if u r absent in yoga class for more than 4 days. This is necessary for smooth mgmt of yoga sessions.


13. Regular practice for a minimum of 6 months is essential for achieving visible improvement in health conditions.  Have little patience. You do it and will get it, no doubt.


14. You need to carry your personal yoga mat, two towels (one long and one small size) with you for your personal hygiene.


15. You will be included in a WhatsApp group to receive information regarding PRAYAAS YOGA activities and on topics like yoga, nutrition, living style, etc. You shall continue till you are a regular yoga practitioner under PRAYAAS YOGA. You can share your positive feedback directly in the group.


17. There will be 5 classes per week with weekly off on Saturdays  and Sundays.  You will be given a few need-based learning sessions on Saturdays under personal guidance. This will help you cope with the class structure of PRAYAAS YOGA.


18. Seats shall be occupied on a first come first serve basis. Or else you have to be satisfied with the vacant seats.


19. You need to know the participants around you. This will create positive vibrations that enhance the practice effect. The first thing you do on entering a yoga hall is to exchange a smile or a talk with your co-participants.


20. After registration, you become a permanent well-wisher of PRAYAAS YOGA. Even after you stop coming to the yoga venue, you will be invited for special yoga sessions, get together, yoga day celebrations, and seminars. In case you wish to rejoin after a gap, your joining will be subject to the terms and conditions prevailing at the time of joining.


21. PRAYAAS YOGA is a service mission to spread health awareness among the public. It is maintained from the contributions made by our participating members, teachers, and well-wishers. We request you to extend your helping hand by regular contribution and bringing more members to yoga fold. We request you to share your positive feedback with your near and dears and invite them to attend free demo classes on weekdays.


22. Share your day to day problems with me after the class is over.


23. If you are interested to have a career in yoga teachings, submit your application for yoga teachers to the undersigned.

You will be selected on merits only. Course details include yoga teachings and yoga therapy, Reiki healing, and acupressure healing.


24. If somebody is suffering from back pain, knee pain, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylitis or elbow pain, they are advised to undergo a few  pain management sessions under personal guidance before they join the regular classes.



Feel free to meet the undersigned in case of doubt and discomfort.




Yoga Therapist,

Reiki Grandmaster,

Master in acupressure healing, hydro therapy and dietics,


Secretary and head of research & application





Website :


  Yoga is never denied for patients even they are bedridden unless they are in acute conditions or over-aged with multiple comorbidities. A...

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